
The Administration Committee is responsible for regulating the operation of The Centre, including key & FOB management, security, fire safety including extinguisher maintenance, alarm systems, etc., inventory, computerized opening and closing, supplies and photocopying services. This Committee is also responsible for scheduling the use of The Centre, as well as Town Hall Meetings and General Meetings (Annual and Special). Canterbury Centre may be ‘booked’ for a CCRA event / activity or for private use by a resident, by contacting the Scheduling Coordinator.

When numerous people are attending an event in The Centre, it is acknowledged that the inner entrance doors may be left open, but when there are only small numbers in attendance CCRA Members are encouraged to keep the inner entrance doors closed to ensure the safety of the people within. It is the responsibility of all CCRA Members who use The Centre to help ensure the security of The Centre by making sure the interior doors, deck doors, and all windows are locked when leaving the building empty.

The Centre is open during regular hours (7.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m.) on December 24, Christmas Day, December 25 and Boxing Day December 26. CCRA activities and / or Private Functions cannot be booked for these dates because professional cleaning services are not available during this time period. The Centre is closed on New Year’s Day, January 1, due to the unavailability of professional cleaning services, but remains open during regular hours on other statutory holidays throughout the year. (Note: In the event of a New Year’s Eve gala, special arrangements can be made for a Clean-Up crew to have access on New Year’s Day, if necessary. The Centre is cleaned during the night of January 1st, so that it is ready for normal use on January 2nd. ) Exceptions to the regular hours of operation can be arranged with the Scheduling Coordinator to accommodate CCRA events or Private events.

Electronic cards (FOBS) which will unlock the inner front door and lower level door plus an inner door key which will also open the pool gate, are issued to all CCRA Members in good standing. Keys for the exterior doors and the fire panel are issued only to members of the Emergency Call – Out Committee. Office keys shall be available only to members of the Board of Directors, Chair and one Secretary of each Standing Committee, and office personnel, as required.

When moving, the transfer of keys for The Centre and the postal kiosk (mailbox), from the previous homeowner to the new CCRA Member, is the responsibility of the homeowners and / or their Solicitors. The key FOBS are issued to an individual and should be returned to the Administration committee and not left for the new homeowner.The Administration Committee is not responsible for or involved in the transfer of keys from one owner to another when properties change hands.

Shopping for office, kitchen and washroom supplies is done by designated Members of the Administration Committee. When purchases are not charged to a retail account, receipts are submitted to the Administration Treasurer for reimbursement.

Copy equipment is available in the office at The Centre for use by members of the Board of Directors, and the Chair and one secretary of each Standing Committee. CCRA Members convening activities independent of CCRA are prohibited from using CCRA photocopy services.

Under special circumstances large and complex photocopy requirements (e.g. AGM packages) may be handled by PP Print and Digital Services Inc. where CCRA has a charge account. This service, where necessary, is available to members of the Board of Directors, and to the Chair and one Secretary of each Standing Committee.

General Meetings

General Meetings (Annual and Special) are governed by the Corporations Act (Ontario), CCRA By-Law No. 1 and recorded Motions. Annual General Meetings (AGM) shall be held within ninety (90) days of the fiscal year end which is March 31. Special General Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Only CCRA Members in good standing or their proxy agents shall be entitled to attend General Meetings. The Chair may invite any other person.

CCRA Members in good standing shall receive Notice of Meeting, ten (10) calendar days prior to meeting, by prepaid post or hand delivered through the services of the Communications Committee. Other relevant information may include such items as:

* Agenda

* Proxy forms

* CCRA Treasurer’s Financial Report

* Nomination forms for the Board of Directors

* Minutes of the previous General Meeting (Annual or Special)

* Information about candidates for election to the Board of Directors

General Meetings shall have a Registration Desk where attendance is recorded and voting ballots are provided (one vote per household).

Quorum and Voting procedures are governed by the Corporations Act (Ontario), CCRA By-Law No. 1 and recorded Motions.

Voting may be by a show of hands or by secret ballot. Questions shall be decided by a majority vote of the voting Members present at the Meetings or represented by proxy, unless otherwise required by the Corporations Act, CCRA By-Law No. 1 or recorded Motions.

At General Meetings (AGM) Voting Members are present if attending in person or represented by proxy. Proxies shall be surrendered at the Registration Desk of General Meetings as the proxy holders arrive at the meetings.

Town Hall Meetings may be convened by the Board of Directors for the purpose of discussing CCRA related issues, or to provide forums for discussions and exchanges of information on matters, beyond the scope of CCRA, that have the potential to affect CCRA Members. The CCRA President and the Directors shall provide information of a general nature to CCRA Members, and respond to questions.

Generally, Town Hall Meetings shall be held in The Centre in an informal manner with notice of the meeting circulated to CCRA Members at least ten (10) days in advance. Neither an agenda nor a quorum is necessary at a Town Hall meeting, and Minutes of proceedings are not required. Registration and voting shall not take place at these meetings.

Last updated December 13, 2023