
The House and Property Committee looks after the ongoing maintenance of The Centre, adjacent swimming pool, grounds and the Integrated Parklands areas.


The Replacement Reserve Fund is reviewed and updated annually and the annual Assessment contains a portion allocated to this Fund. These monies are considered an asset of CCRA on financial statements and are kept separate. In consultation with contractors and suppliers, the Committee evaluates the estimated remaining life and the replacement costs of major components including, but not restricted to: roofing, decking, windows, flooring, furnishings and equipment, furnace, air conditioning, plumbing, the pool liner and pump, the parking lot, etc.

An appropriate number of  parking spaces at The Centre are designated as handicapped parking. The parking lot is for Canterbury Residents and their guests and is not a Public parking lot.  If overnight parking at the Centre or the need to park recreational vehicles is required by residents or their guests, permission must be obtained from the Governance Committee.

Preferred suppliers are defined as contractors with previous satisfactory records with CCRA and in force liability insurance and WSIB coverage. The Committee, on behalf of CCRA, researches tenders for major maintenance services and purchases, and then makes recommendations to the Board. A listing of the approved contractors/services will be posted on the in-house notice board.

A library of operation manuals and warranties of all equipment within The Centre is maintained.

Professional services are engaged for snow removal in public areas such as the parking lot at The Centre and sidewalks throughout Canterbury Common. CCRA Members are responsible for snow removal from their personal driveways and from entrances to their houses. The Township of Scugog provides snow removal services for all roads within Canterbury Common.

There is a sprinkler system around The Centre and Kiosk area which is programmed to provide adequate watering of the grounds at regular intervals during early morning hours.

Integrated Park Lands – the lands within and/or surrounding Canterbury Common (includes the Courts of Canterbury) which are owned and maintained by CCRA for the public use of its residents and guests. The lands include areas commonly referred to as: Open Space (holes 1-4 of the former Canterbury Golf Course); the Centre (grassed areas); West Common; East Common and McCaw Court Common. All CCRA Members may use the Commons for walking, playing and general enjoyment of the green space. Please confine activities on the Commons to those that are respectful of the privacy of adjacent homeowners.

The House and Property Committee ensure the integrated parklands are maintained. This may include, but not be limited to, activities such as: grass cutting, grounds repair/rehabilitation, fertilizing, weed control, general clean up, garden development and maintenance and the control and maintenance of trees.

The H & P Committee assists the Governance Committee by consulting with them prior to introducing or approving any changes on the East or West Commons and McCaw Court Commons for consideration of the Protective Restrictions.  CCRA Members must contact Governance or House & Property if contemplating structural or landscaping changes to the common areas in Canterbury Common.

Our postal kiosk excludes homes on Coulter Street and McCaw Court which are served by another postal box facility. CCRA is now responsible for snow removal on the steps and the platform of the postal kiosk. Canada Post denies access to the postal kiosk when the boxes are open during Canada Post delivery of mail. As a courtesy to nearby households residents are asked to avoid stopping on the street or on the driveway of The Centre while picking up mail.

Last updated May 27, 2024