West Parkette

Canterbury Common is not a condominium development with high fees, nor is it governed by outside investors. It is a subdivision where each house is a private enclave in isolation from its neighbours. It is not townhouses sharing walls and small courtyards. So what is it? It is a ‘community’ first of all, which implies certain shared philosophies and resources. The purpose of the development is to provide a setting where adults can enjoy a lifestyle that is easy to maintain and can be supportive of each other’s interests and needs.


Canterbury Common is a freehold community, which means property lots are owned and maintained by the homeowners and not subject to lease charges. Each homeowner automatically becomes a Member of the Residents’ Association and pays a nominal annual membership assessment of about $600. This membership allows residents to participate in all community activities, vote, hold office and benefit from use of the Community Centre and other common elements. Membership is not optional.


Every homeowner shares ownership of the Community Centre, the integrated parks and other common elements in Canterbury Common and has a responsibility to help support their maintenance to the standard agreed upon by all members.

Within Canterbury Common the streets, sidewalks, water supply and sewer system are owned by the Township of Scugog. The cost of snow clearance from the Township sidewalks is borne by the Residents’ Association, as part of the annual assessment, as a service for the residents.

Community Centre

One way of protecting the assets of the Members was the development of the Protective Restrictions, which are registered on title of each property.

Waterbury Crescent

The Protective Restrictions require purchasers to comply with a policy, which ensures that the community has a high standard of appearance by maintaining an ‘open concept’ with no fences, clear sight lines and a degree of consistency so all may enjoy the green spaces, the variety of views and the beauty that shows pride of ownership.

Click here to read the Protective Restrictions, which are a part of the By-Law of the Canterbury Common Residents’ Association.

Last updated May 31, 2024