The pool hours are posted on the outside of the pool fence. The schedule indicates the times allocated for Adult Only, Open Swim, Aqua-Fit and Lane Swims. The pool is usually opened in early June and closed mid-September. The CCRA Bulletin and The Chronicle provide updates on when the pool will open, close and any changes in terms of schedule, procedures and restrictions (e.g., related to COVID-19).

Click here to view the current Pool schedule

Click here to view some reminders about use of the pool

As the warm days of summer set in, we all know that a cool dip in a nearby swimming pool can be a welcome treat. Many Canterbury Common residents are former pool owners and recall the advantages of having a pool at home. Being able to share a pool at The Centre is the next best thing and although the pool is for our exclusive use (guests included) it is not a private pool but is, in fact, considered a Class B Public Pool as defined by the Health Protection & Promotion Act of Ontario. The Act says that “a pool situated and for use by the residents and guests of five or more single family private residences shall be considered a Class B Public Pool and once defined as such by the Province the classification will never change.

With this classification comes all the Provincial and Municipal regulations to which we must adhere. Most will agree that the signage posted about the pool area seems excessive, but without all of it in place, permission to open the pool would not be given by the Regional Municipality of Durham.  Safety equipment and water quality are of extreme importance. Thanks all our volunteers, the monitoring of chlorine and ph (acidity of water) levels takes place every four hours and the test readings and attendance are recorded, as required by law.

Our pool is subject to unannounced inspections by the Health Department and any failure to meet requirements would result in pool closure.

A telephone for emergency calls to 911 is available inside the pool area on the outside wall next to the lower level glass entry door. The gate in the fence around the pool is kept closed and locked at all times; it has a number pad lock and the code to open the gate is 127.

All of the above, of course, is to ensure that, as owners, we provide a pool which is healthy and safe for use by young and old alike. As users of the pool, we have a responsibility to others to observe the posted regulations and to do our best to respect them. A special mention of not using any glass containers or bringing any food to the pool is being included here. As well, if toddlers wear ‘swim ups’ we can all relax.

Our volunteers do an excellent job – maintaining all the pool equipment, doing the required pool water testing and opening and closing the pool on a daily basis.  Thanks to them we are able to enjoy this lovely pool. If you see one of them testing the pool water, taking the pool blanket off or checking the equipment, stop to say ‘Thank you”.

Last updated May 31, 2024